Where is EU is heading in the IoT space?
- Europe’s ability to act independently in the digital world
- Reliable digital infrastructure and services are critical in today’s society
- There are calls to build a European cloud and data infrastructure to strengthen Europe’s data sovereignty and address the fact that today, the cloud and data storage market is almost exclusively dominated by non-European suppliers.
- Furthermore, investment in frontier technologies, including artificial intelligence, IoT,…
- In the long run, building a genuinely sovereign EU digital environment will also require addressing the current lack of coordination between regulators in this field. … Such mechanisms would be critical for instance to ensuring a coherent EU sovereign approach in many areas, such as applications management (e.g. apps or IoT devices in the data privacy field), or platform regulation.
An open IoT platform approach is absolutely critical and will succeed in the long run.
What EU is saying
Rolf Riemenschneider – Head of Sector IoT at European Commission:
- 4:38 Aver the air updates
- 5:00 Avoid Vendor lock in
- 6:40 Support IoT – Platform approach in the centre – demonstrate orchestation across application sectors (application agnostic)
- 7:22: So a Platform approach to enforce an open ecosystem
- 8:00 Open Core – 8M EUR to attract Open Core Open source developers
- 8:36: Open Calls for a vibrant IoT ecosystem
- 8:58: Interoperability – most important. Open Interface, Open standards
- 10:10 Lack of cross sector orchestration
- 11:20 Data sharing (quite a challenge) – we must go back to the platform strategy/standards
Max Lemke – Head of Unit for IoT
- 1:56 Competitiveness and Standardization are mentioned again and again in the Draghi Report
- 2:40 Geopolitical tensions … we are either smached in the middle or we find our way … underscoring the need for unified IoT standardization in Europe
- 3:33 By fostering collaboration and sharing we can better navigate these challenges
- 7:40 We need to look at Open Platforms … not driven by one actor
- 8:32 It means a multi-sided market place with different actors … and standards are crutial for scalability
- 9:00 They enable devices from different manufactures … to ensure interoperability …